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Forum- Terms of ServiceSutherland Forum reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any posting (including email) by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or Services at any time,for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without liability.NO SPAMMINGSpam will in no way be tolerated.Spam can also be posting repeated, though different topicsor repeatedly posting a topic that has been deleted by a mod.NO POINTLESS THREADWASTINGThis includes topics like 'I'm bored','Hello i'm new' or 'LOOK AT MY NEW PICS'Also topics whose sole intent is to insult someone will be deletedThese forums are for discussion, not attention seeking.Any topic considered to be a threadwaste will be deletedNO DUPLICATE TOPICSIf a topic exists a couple of pages away covering the same issues then the new one will be deleted. Look through the pages to see if it has already been posted, if notThe it should be okay to post.NO POSTING IN WRONG FORUMIf you have a political(or other specific)question don't post it in L&RIf it contains a politics question post in politics.If you are new, try posting in the newbies thread in general forum or contribute to an existing topic.Also try to avoid off-topic posts in existing threadsNO OBSCENITYThis includes excessive swearing, flaming, posting of pornographic imagesRacism, Homophobic, sexist remarks or bigotry of any sort.NO CROSS-POSTING THE SAME TOPICDo not post the same topic in more than one forum.This is treated as spam.ALL DELETIONS ARE FINAL.NO ADVERTISING.This includes party invites, promos for your new band/club/hair productDo it in classifieds or it will be deleted.Redundant Help RequestsYour thread will get deleted if you ask a question that was covered in the How to Customize your Profile thread.BAND MP3 PLAYERS ARE NOT ALLOWED ON PERSONAL PROFILESThis has come down straight from TOM. The Band standalone MP3 player is provided to bands and not to be used on personal profiles as it causes more server strain and uses more bandwidth.This site is free, please help us to keep it that way!PLEASE POST TOPICS IN THE CORRECT FORUMS.MUSIC RELATED TOPICS IN MUSICNEWS TOPICS IN NEWS AND POLITICSETC ETC ETCATTENTION SEEKING THREADS, LIFE STORIES ETC ARE MORE SUITED TO BLOG ENTRIES NOT THE FORUM. POST IT THERE.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for understanding.Forum Admnistration